Specializing in the best dog and cat breeds for families!
Non-shedding, hypoallergenic, great personalities and adorable!
Great temperaments as Emotional Support Animals!
in Pelham, NH
February Update:
Goldendoodles Medium and Standard available!
Older dogs available: Standard Poodle!
How can I get a Furry Friend during the Covid-19 guidance period?
Choosing your Furry Friend typically involves 3 steps. Each step can occur without personal contact.
1) Reserve a puppy.
We accept Venmo and Paypal and we can email you your receipt, so you never have to have an in-person transaction.
If you would like to meet the parents, we can schedule a time for you after the Covid restrictions are removed and you can view them in their fenced area, again without person-to-person contact.
2) When the puppies are 4-5 weeks old, choose your puppy in the order deposits were placed.
Typically we host an Open House for families to come choose their puppy. However, with the Covid precautions, you can view the puppies over video chat or, after the restrictions end, see them in an enclosed area on your own.
3) Pick up your puppy at 8 weeks old!
Our next litter is expected in late May, and your puppy can go home at 8 weeks old, well beyond the current restriction period. We'll give your puppy a bath before pickup, and can bring the puppy to an outside crate where you can transfer the puppy to your own create. Final payment can be made via Venmo or Paypal and we can email you your final payment receipt.
That's it! You then have a Furry Friend without the worries!