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  Buddy & Hope  
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  Buddy's Puppy Picture
Hope's Puppy Picture
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 Faith's Puppy Picture
A Puppy from a Faith Litter

Buddy is an F1 Goldendoodle (50% Golden Retriever, 50% Standard Poodle) and retains much of the Golden Retriever look, which allows us to offer non-shedding F1B Goldendoodle puppies with a great mix of Golden Retriever and Poodle features!

Buddy has great intelligence, emotional IQ and awareness, a big heart, and listens well.  He knows how to bring the other dogs back when they wander a bit too far on a walk, and has a great nose that can find hidden scented objects in a couple minutes.  


Hope is 100% Standard Poodle and is fun-loving, playful, intelligent, agile and loyal.  She's also a great mom who has beautiful puppies ranging from cream color to latte to caramel color. 




Faith is also a 100% Standard Poodle who is a beautiful, athletic, good natured girl.  Her puppies are a similar size as Hope typically growing to 40-60 lbs with the females on the smaller side of the range and the males on the larger side. 


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  Trixie's Puppy Picture
Trixie with a Pup and Buddy

Trixie is a super sweet, smart medium sized Standard Poodle.  Her puppies are on the smaller side typically growing to 30-40lbs.  She has gorgeous puppies ranging from cream color to latte to caramel color.   


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